Currently, the publications across Haiku sites are synced on a per-site basis. This synchronisation can take a long time for websites that have a lot of publications related to them. There are a large number of publications that are displayed on multiple websites. If a publication is displayed on more than one website, this publication is created multiple times, as it creates a local item on each website. In order to make the synchronisation faster, and the sites more streamlined, we will run a synchronisation with Symplectic from the Haicloud service. This will collect all of the publications that are related to the profiles across all of the Haiku sites. We will then be able to serve the individual sites with the publications that they should be displaying. This will also streamline the Symplectic synchronisation and ensure that it runs regularly and fast. This change to how the publications are handled will also improve the speed of Haiku sites as they will not contain such large records for each publication.
AS A SITE ADMIN I want my Haiku site to have its Symplectic publications served from the Haicloud service SO THAT my website does not have to run a long synchronisation with Symplectic on a regular basis.
AS A DEVELOPER I want to serve all Haiku sites Symplectic publications from the Haicloud SO THAT I only have to hold one record of each publication, and only synchronise it with Symplectic once, rather than multiple times for the various different website