AS A CONTENT OWNER I WANT to be notified by the system when any of the content on my website is;
- cloned
- subscribed to
- unsubscribed to
- commented on
SO THAT I am aware of how the content on my website is being reused.
AS A CONTENT OWNER I WANT to know from the notification, who has pulled or subscribed to the content, and a link to it on their website, SO THAT I can see how my content is being reused.
AS A SUBSCRIBER I WANT to be notified by the system when the original item of content that I am either subscribed to, or I have cloned into my website has been updated in any way (content update, workflow state change etc.) and what the update was, SO THAT I can ensure the content on my website is correct and up to date.
AS A CONTENT OWNER AND SUBSCRIBER I WANT to be able to define how I receive my notifications about content, the options should include;
- individual email notifications for all notifications related to the content that I am or other people are cloning or subscribing to containing information on who carried out the action, and where, with a link to the updated content.
- a daily digest email containing information on all the items of content that have been updated, as well as with what the update was
- a notification centre in the system, with badge notifications to let me know there are updates for me to see when I am logged in on the cloud content dashboard in my site. (By default, all content owners should see the badge notifications when they are logged in to the system for notifications about the content they own.)
SO THAT I can be sure not to miss any updates related to the content that people are pulling from my website.
AS A SITE ADMINISTRATOR I WANT to be notified about all updates to content that is pulled or subscribed to across my site SO THAT I am aware of what content is being updated and if content that I initially pulled is worth being re-subscribed to or if I want to unsubscribe from it.