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Welcome to the new Headquarters for Haiku
Website editing embargo: 6th - 9th April
Haiku profiles are being upgraded, check out this blog post to find out more information!
Haicloud deployment progress update
A blog post to update you on how the deployment of the Haicloud functionality is progressing.
Haicloud update
This article will give you an update on the progress with the Haicloud content sharing functionality.
Development roadmap published!
The roadmap for the latest features that have been voted for has now been published.
Haiku 4.4.0 released
This blog post gives you an update on what we have released to your Haiku site most recently. We hope that you enjoy the new functionality that this updates brings with it.
Feature submission and development update
An update on some current developments and a reminder to submit your feature ideas and requests for the next round of voting.
Development roadmap published!
The roadmap for the latest features that have been voted for has now been published.
Integration with is now live
Integration with is complete, and has been released onto your site.
Image scaling is here, make the most of your images!
We have now moved away from image cropping and onto image scaling. This will give you more flexibility and management of your images on your Haiku webstie.
Image gallery launched!
New ways to show off great images throughout your website.
Tile shading and borders are here!
New functionality released that gives you the ability to add shading and borders to all of the tiles available when using cover pages.
HaikuHQ is Transforming
The aim of HQ has always been the enablement of clear and timely communications across the Haiku community, and it has served this purpose well. HQ 2.0 steps things up to enable more two way communication and feedback.
Media widget for Research Groups
Migration on the research groups to enable editors to use the media widget for the primary and secondary media on this content type.
Research Groups get a multi-column layout
Allowing you more flexibility with your research group pages.
Voting is open
The new round of Haiku voting is now open for you to vote on the features that you would like to see introduced to your Haiku system
The Blog section is on its way
Soon you will be able to use a new Blog content type on your Haiku website. This will be useful for displaying your information in a different way, as well as allowing you to engage with your stakeholders
Dates for your diary - Haiku Development Process
Important dates relating to the development process. Please make a note of these to ensure you know what is happening and when.
Hoxton Release: The Voting Results are in
Thank you all for your participation in the Haiku voting. The voting is now closed and your votes have been calculated