Feature submission and development update
20 June 2017
Evolution Features Maintenance
Firstly, we wanted to write to you to remind you that the period for submitting your feature ideas for the next round of development will be closing on the 5th July 2017. Please go here to submit any requests.
Also we wanted to update you that we will be releasing some new features to you on 30th June. The new features that you can expect to see with documentation on your Haiku site are:
- Menu drop downs
- File/attachment library
- Tabs and toggles/accordion
- Already completed - Cloud hosting
You will receive a notification when these features are ready to use.
Finally, we would like to thank you for your patience and co-operation throughout the migration of all Medical Sciences Division Haiku websites from the Oxford University vCloud hosting environment, to the Amazon Web Services environment. Other than a few minor issues (to be expected on a project this size), the migrations went very smoothly and all of the sites are running well on the new server set-up. We are in the process of gathering some metrics on the performance of the sites in comparison to their old hosting arrangement, and we will publish these to you in due course.
The Haiku Team