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When you re-use a content type (i.e. news) you are not able to create a separate taxonomy list of categories for it.


The best solution to this is not to create a second taxonomy, but to make the categories portlet respect the path of the current section, and only show tags which are used on the items of content in that section


Anne Bowtell says:
Wednesday, 25 November 2015, 9.15 am

Haiku Oversight Committee:

The Committee didn't really understand this feature and thought it would be better to rewrite it. Here's a fuller explanation and a business case.

On the Medical Sciences Division site, we have two main audiences - internal staff, students, researchers and our external peers. Our main news section highlights the main 'news' and key items of interest to both audiences. However, we would like a second section of news - Opportunities and Updates - which would include all the useful information that currently appears monthly in the newsletter.

To make this second section really useful to our audience we would like to use the tags/keywords option (on the right of the news page) that allows you to filter out the items of interest to you. If we do this at the moment then all the tags and keywords turn up on the main news section as well - which is fairly meaningless to an external audience. So we would like to be able to restrict that filter portlet to only show relevant tags.

Business case: while this might seem like a specialised use at the moment, it will be particularly helpful in the future for the entire Division. We expect to be able to provide feeds of the opportunities and updates organised by tags and these can be reused anywhere - on department intranets and to automatically populate department newsletters. So this step facilitates enlarging a currently very popular service with Divisional staff.

Haiku HQ says:
Thursday, 26 November 2015, 3.22 pm

We have already developed this feature as am improvement that we just wanted to make to the system, and it will be detailed in the upcoming release notes