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AS AN EDITOR I WANT to be able to generate a list of content that is automatically aggregated using a series of filters SO THAT I can list easily reuse content across my website without having to manually create listings each time.

AS AN EDITOR I WANT to be able to define a title of the tile/page SO THAT it is clear what content is being displayed.

AS AN EDITOR I WANT to be able to define which fields show for the items of content that are being displayed (e.g. title, image or metadata) SO THAT I can list multiple types of content and ensure all the relevant fields are displayed in the listing.

AS AN EDITOR I WANT to be able to define the depth in the site hierarchy that the listing looks into SO THAT I have full control over the content that is displaying.

AS AN EDITOR I WANT to be able to define which categories of content are displayed across a variety of content types (e.g. news tagged by ‘General’ but events tagged by ‘Research’) SO THAT I can control exactly which items of certain content types display on the listing.

AS AN EDITOR I WANT to be able to define which content types are showing in the list of content SO THAT I can show the exact mixture or individual content type that I would like to.

AS AN EDITOR I WANT to be able to define what content is listed by its workflow state SO THAT I can show the content in the workflow state that I wish to.

AS AN EDITOR I WANT to be able to sort the listing I a variety of sort orders SO THAT I have the flexibility to show the content as I wish.