Haiku Evolution
Auto-link more team portlets to profile "Connections Tabs"
A feature request for more in depth relationships to be made between different items of contetn throughout a Haiku site.
We will develop the functionality for editors to be able to make relationships to profiles from more different types of content than publications, groups and themes that this functionality is currently limited to. We will also develop the functionality for profiles to be flexible in how they pick these connections up. We will allow profile editors to define how the connections to the various content types works.
AS AN EDITOR I want to be able to define related profiles on various content types SO THAT I am able to add a team portlet, to display the profiles, and have it automatically (if I choose for it to) create a connection to the persons profile.
AS AN EDITOR I want to be able to create 'Team' portlet where profiles would be taken automatically from the already defined relations within the item of content SO THAT I can easily organise relations between profiles and content, I also want to have an option to select profiles manually instead as well.
AS AN EDITOR I want to be able to create 'Team' tile where profiles would be taken automatically from the already defined relations within the item of content SO THAT I can easily organise relations between profiles and content, I also want to have an option to select profiles manually instead as well.
AS A USER I want to be able to see the automatically created relationship, to more content than just research groups and themes on a persons profile SO THAT I can find all of the content that the person is related to easily.
AS A PROFILE OWNER I want the connection to any content that may have been made related to my profile, to display on my profile, if the editor has chosen for this to happen SO THAT users viewing my profile can see all of the content that I am related to.
AS A PROFILE EDITOR I want to be able to create a tile that allows me to define the title, which content types I want to show the automatic connections for, and the number of items that it should show before scrolling SO THAT I can create one tile with all my connections in, or individual tiles for connections to different content types.
What are you trying to do that our product is not able to support?
Currently when a team profile is added to a team portlet in "Research Groups", the group page automatically appears on the profile's connections tab. However, when a team portlet is created in other parts of the website, this link is not automatic. For each team portlet I create, I would like to select whether to show this link on the department member's individual profile page.
What is the reason that you need to be able to do this?Sometimes department members are associated with individual projects or activities that are not part of a main research group. It would be very useful to have the option to showcase on the team profile without having to create a manual connection. It would be important for this to be optional, since some team portlets are created alongside news content that we would not necessarily want to promote on their profile.
What is the impact of you not being able to do this?Links currently have to be made manually if they are needed. Once the page has been deleted, the link will also need to be deleted manually otherwise it points to a dead page.
The Haiku Oversight Committee thought this would be a great idea, but that the backlinks would definitely need to be optional.