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It would be useful to have a date picker option in the forms. We would also like the ability to have a range of options in any given row - i.e. a larger matrix of responses


Haiku HQ says:
Wednesday, 9 September 2015, 11.52 am

Please can you provide some context as to what this is required for , an example of a use case would be great.

Haiku HQ says:
Monday, 30 November 2015, 2.11 pm

As we still don't have any further information on the use case for this requirement. We are assuming that what you are asking for is a date selection service so that people can choose from dates in a form and you can review the most popular dates etc. This is very complex form functionality, and not something that can be looked at as a stand alone improvement to forms. It would require us to complete this work: first as a building block for what you are asking for. We are going to close this as a feature request unless you let us know that our assumptions are incorrect. If the enhanced form functionality work is voted in then maybe this is worth a further discussion.
In the mean time, there are external free services that you can use to achieve some of what you are looking for, for example. Doodle Poll.