Haiku Evolution
Research Section
A feature request for developing functionality that will allow editors to link to various content types from the research section landing page template.
We will develop the functionality for editors to be able to singpost users to content that is not only a research group or theme from the research section landing page. We will allow editors to create a wider variety of content types within the research section and tag and categorise it, so that it can be cleanly displayed in tabs, columns or rows on the research section landing page.
AS AN EDITOR I want to be able to add links to various items of content, from various content types on the 'Research' landing page SO THAT I can signpost users to more content that is suitable for the 'Research' category, but does not suit the research group/theme content type.
AS AN EDITOR I want to be able to add multiple tabs to the research landing page with content that I define (rather than being restricted to groups and themes) SO THAT I can use it as a location to signpost people to other content that is related to research, without having to use portlets.
AS AN EDITOR I want to be able to control what content is shown on the research landing page, and in which tabs, by using categories and tagging SO THAT I can have a mixture of content types linked to from the reseach landing page.
AS A USER I want to be signposted to content that is not only research themes and groups, from the research section, in the body of the page, not portlets SO THAT I can see I am being taken to some relevant content forme that is related to the research section.
What are you trying to do that our product is not able to support?
I would like to link to a coverpage that sits in the main navigation from the Research Groups page.
What is the reason that you need to be able to do this?This is so we can show how that particular unit sits with the rest of the department, but gives it some prominence of its own by placing it in the main navigation. The Unit was going to have a separate website, but we decided to bring it into the main department website instead.
What is the impact of you not being able to do this?I will have to create a link in the portlet on the Research Groups page, but this won't be as nice to look at.
The Haiku Oversight Committee thought that this was a bit difficult to understand, so it would be helpful to have some mock-ups or similar. There was a general view in the Committee that this might be the tip of a much larger iceberg and it might be better to work through the actual requirements in more detail. The question *could* be what do we do when we need to incorporate a sub-unit into a department website and give them some prominence, rather than simply the 'business card' page offered by the basic research group page. There's also an information issue here, because if we simply start representing research groups with plain webpages then it becomes much harder to pull these items out as a feed of research groups (with specific granular information) which could be reused in other systems (such as e.g. Vivo).