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AS A SITE ADMINISTRATOR I WANT to see an overview of the content on my website SO THAT I can quickly see information that will keep the site fresh and up to date.

AS A SITE ADMINISTRATOR I WANT to know how many individual items of content I have on my site, broken down by content type and workflow status SO THAT I can get a quick overview of the number of various content types I have on my website.

AS A SITE ADMINISTRATOR I WANT to be able to quickly find out when items of content were created and last updated SO THAT I can make sure I keep the content up to date and remove old content from my website.

AS A SITE ADMINISTRATOR I WANT to have a report on my content that has not been updated in a variable (preferably definable) date range SO THAT I can quickly see which content is likely to be out of date on my site.

AS A SITE ADMINISTRATOR I WANT to be able to find out who the most active editors are, and see what content they are editing/creating SO THAT I can get a quick overview of how the content on my website has been built.

AS A SITE ADMINISTRATOR I WANT to see a feed of the most recently updated content alongside who made the change, and a link to the item of content where I will be able to see the changes that were carried out SO THAT it is easy for me to keep an overview of the content on my website.