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  • Events Page Enhancements


    Design: - Review of content spacing on the events page when all fields are used - Amend the interface for the date and time slider to be more user friendly Tabs: - This will allow you to add more detail into your events pages by laying information out in tabs so that you can make more than one page (if required). You will be able to name these tabs as you wish and use them to enter whichever content is appropriate for the event that you are creating Date: - The system should anticipate that the closing date is the same date as the start date rather than displaying as the created date. This should also apply to the closing time of the event which should default to one hour after the start

  • Develop the ability for editors to use tables in their content throughout the website.

  • Altmetric information pulled through to Publications page

    We can integrate the altimetric value from symplectic onto individual publication pages which will link through to this style of data:

  • Include DOI on publications


    We will improve the amount of information that a user can see about a publication, by providing links to more sources of information. We will show the link to this information on the publication modal, as well as the individual page of the publication. We will display a link to both the publisher copy of the publication, as well as the link to the location that the source is curated from, e.g. PubMed.

  • Oxford Talks Integration


    This feature will result in a new portlet and a cover page tile that will be used to integrate into the OxTalks data. You will be able to select specific speakers from the OxTalks data to display within the portlets and tiles across your site. The feeds will be automatically updated as new data is populated in OxTalks.

Update of minor improvements and bug fixes:

  • 404 page restyling. Updated the style and information that is shown on a 404 page to make it more useful for users.
  • Fix for the use of more than one carousel on cover pages. The ID of each carousel was conflicting.
  • Fix for broken modals of websites. Due to a change in the design code, modals were affected and not loading properly. 
  • Fixed the truncation of the 'Tagline' on landing pages showing team members.