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AS A SITE ADMINISTRATOR I WANT to be able to create a variety of notifications for a range of actions that are carried out across my website SO THAT I can get notified when certain actions happen.

AS A SITE ADMINISTRATOR I WANT to be able to define a variety of content rules from a range of specific triggers SO THAT I can keep on top of the content, and any changes that are happening on my website.

AS A SITE ADMINISTRATOR I DO NOT WANT any content rules enabled by default SO THAT I can set up the specific content rules that I want to that apply to my purposes SO THAT I do not get a lot of spam notifications that I do not want to see.

AS A SITE ADMINISTRATOR I WANT to see comprehensive documentation on how to use the content rules SO THAT I can create new rules with confidence.

AS A SITE ADMINISTRATOR I WANT to have a set of basic content rules pre-created and readily available for me to turn on should I wish to use them SO THAT I do not have to create all of the content rules from scratch.