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New minor features

'Go to top' button:

To improve the accessibility of all Haiku websites, we have added the functionlity of a 'Go to top' button on all Haiku websites. The 'Go to top' button will show to a user once they have scrolled down the page far engough to make good use of a 'Go to top' button. This functionality improves the accessibility of a Haiku website, and you will see it appear in the bottom right corner of any Haiku page.

Taxonomy update:

Due to deprecation of a certain type of selection widget, specifically the widget that we have previously used for the taxonomy library, we have had to change the way in which the taxonomy library now works. Overall the taxonomy works in a very similar way, but there is now a new quick edit form available to editors who want to add, edit or remove any categories from the system. The other change that this has come with, is where the categories are added to a content type. Rather than using the categories within the edit form on the 'Default' edit tab of an item of content, editors will now need to use the 'Categorization' tab. The documentation for the updated taxonomy library functionality can be found here.



  • Update to default Site Administrator profile - fix permissions for the managing features option.
  • Fix for broken profile's publications sync if the Symplectic feed returns errors and purge site's cache after publications sync to ensure all users are seeing the latest content.
  • Add new scale for images when used in the rich text editor. New scale is 'w480'.
  • Provide setting to allow different image ratios on research section listings.
  • Fix to remove duplicated cover page add -on.
  • Fix for spacing of news tile when not using images.
  • Use the short title of an item of content as the default value for subtabs in drop down navigation.
  • Update to cache purging to ensure purge is only triggered when necessary.
  • Update to 'Smart Embed functionality' to allow wider use of embeddable content.
  • Update to breadcrumbs to make the 'Home' icon clickable for the return to home fucntion.
  • Fix for design and alignment on call to action arrow buttons.