Haiku Evolution
Explorer-esque content viewer
Give editors the ability to navigate and see how content is organised on a site without having to load new pages, in a manner similar to most file browsers/Windows Explorer. A sitemap that shows the full structure of the website, immediately expanded, so that an editor can see the entire layout of the site in one view.
AS AN EDITOR I want to be able to navigate and see how content is organised on a site without having to load new pages, in a manner similar to most file browsers SO THAT I can easily see all of the items on my site.
What are you trying to do that our product is not able to support?
To navigate and see how content is organised on a site without having to load new pages, in a manner similar to most file browsers/Windows Explorer
What is the reason that you need to be able to do this?Usability improvements - allows editors to better see and understand site structure and manage pages/the site more effectively.
What is the impact of you not being able to do this?At the moment is very difficult to get an easy overview of site structure and work out what exists, what’s published and what isn’t, and under what page without clicking through to a new page.
We're in the process of voting for this but can't really make a decision without more information - what would it look like, how would it be used - is it a replacement for a current view or is it an additional view?
At the moment the 'contents' view only gives a list of contents within a section/folder, clicking on each element reloads the page allowing you to see explore the various types of content within a section, but only one view at a time.
It's very hard to get an overview from this functionality.
My proposal was for it to function more like Windows Explorer, i.e. a more folder-based view where you can click a section which immediately expands, allowing you to see how pages/other content are organised within the section, exploring to different levels.
See http://www.watchingthenet.com/wp-content/uploads//winexplorer2.png for example – except the drive folder would be replaced with the sections/pages/folders within a Haiku site.
Doing this would, I believe, make understanding how a site is structured easier to understand, keep track of and maintain in a more familiar and user-friendly manner.
For example, eventually some tidying up of a site is going to be needed (removing site content, or reorganising it into a different structure etc), and being able to get an overview of the content in this manner would really help to understand.
This would also be very useful for when new admins/people join/leave to allow them to more quickly understand how the previous admin had structured the content and organised a site.
Please let me know if you need more clarification.
We would like to see usability testing on this.