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AS A RESEARCHER I WANT the option to control my favourite/key publications through Symplectic SO THAT I do not have to manage them in two places.

AS A RESEARCHER I WANT that if I choose to manage my favourite/key publications through symplectic then I want Haiku to respect this and use my favourite/key publications as flagged in Symplectic SO THAT I can manage my publications through Symplectic.

AS A SITE ADMINISTRATOR I WANT my researchers to be able to define if Haiku shows their favourite/key publications as chosen on Symplectic OR locally on a Haiku website SO THAT they can manage their publications in the easiest way for them.

AS A RESEARCHER I WANT to have a checkbox on the publications tile on my profile that defines if my favourite/key publications are defined in Symplectic or Haiku SO THAT I have control over the source of my favourite/key publications.

AS A SYSTEM I WANT to update a researcher's favourite/key publications from Symplectic at least once every 24 hours SO THAT I can be sure the favourite/key publications for each researcher are up to date.

AS A RESEARCHER I WANT to see a warning on the publications tile that tells me if I use the Symplectic system to manage my favourite/key publications, that they will only update once every 24 hours SO THAT I am clear this will not be immediately synchronised with Symplectic.

AS A SITE ADMINISTRATOR I WANT to be able to carry out a bulk update for the profiles on my website to convert them all to using the Symplectic integration to define where their favourite/key publications SO THAT it does not have to be done individually for hundreds of profiles.

AS AN EDITOR I WANT the option to prefilter the publications list that I see when editing a research groups related publications to only show the publications related to the already selected team members, SO THAT I have a smaller number of publications to filter and check through.