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Due to the colour of the DPAG theme (dark blue), it is very difficult to differentiate what are hyperlinks from bold formatting. Would it be possible to find a way to slightly amend the formatting of hyperlinks for certain themes (websites with dark near-black colours) to a lighter colour maybe?


Haiku HQ says:
Wednesday, 9 September 2015, 2.42 pm

The themes for each site are individual, so this does not need to be considered as a general haiku change. If you would like the hyperlinks on DPAG to be a lighter colour that is a very simple change for us. I am closing this down from here and will raise a ticket for the designer to look at what colour might look appropriate.

Department of Physiology, Anatomy and Genetics . says:
Friday, 11 September 2015, 3.01 pm

Hello Haiku HQ,

Many thanks for raising this as a ticket, yes, it would be good to amend this. Thank you for following this up!