Haiku Evolution
Oxford Talks Integration
The new Oxford Talks API will offer feeds filterable by speaker which will allow researchers to place feeds of talks that they are associated with on the website.
This feature will result in a new portlet and a cover page tile that will be used to integrate into the OxTalks data. You will be able to select specific speakers from the OxTalks data to display within the portlets and tiles across your site. The feeds will be automatically updated as new data is populated in OxTalks.
AS AN Editor I WANT TO add a new OxTalks portlet and select one or more speakers from the list of users SO THAT I can see always updated list of talks by speaker(s) from the OxTalks service
AS AN Editor I WANT TO add a new OxTalks tile to Cover pages and select one or more speakers from the list of users SO THAT I can see always updated list of talks by speaker(s) from OxTalks service
AS AN Editor I WANT TO add a new Talks tile to a Profile page and select one or more speakers from the list of users SO THAT I can see always updated list of talks by speaker(s) from OxTalks service
The original request that came in for this feature was based around the speakers, so that was where we focussed. It is completely possible for us to use the other search parameters in the API for you to be able to display with, and I can see that this makes sense. If the feature gets chosen, we will include those in the development. it is more complex and more work, so as we have not investigated the work with full use of the API in mind, there may be complications that we come across which may mean the development of this is slightly different to what we have laid out here.
Thanks - can you fix the link to the documentation for this?
Hi Jacqueline,
Apologies, this comment was missed. The documentation link is now fixed (and here - https://fry-it.atlassian.net/wiki/display/HKB/Oxford+Talks). Apologies for the inconvenience.
Haiku support team.
Please can you look at the linkto the documentation for this feature as it isn't working?
Hi Janice,
The documentation link is now fixed (and here - https://fry-it.atlassian.net/wiki/display/HKB/Oxford+Talks). Apologies for the inconvenience.
Haiku support team.
Thank you!
This won't be very usable without the option to display by series, topic, department etc - i.e. all the search parameters offered by the API. For instance, www.medsci wouldn't be interested in speakers, but would want to show everything from the Medsci Division