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Releases that have been launched are detailed here. Click on an individual release to view a list of what the release includes.

Haiku 4.11

Release date: 21 October 2016


  • Improve Department information in Google Results


    Many sites are generated from structured data, which is often stored in databases. When this data is formatted into HTML, it becomes very difficult to recover the original structured data. Many applications, especially search engines, can benefit greatly from direct access to this structured data. On-page markup enables search engines to understand the information on web pages and provide richer search results in order to make it easier for users to find relevant information on the web. Markup can also enable new tools and applications that make use of the structure.

Bug fixes

  • Removed the 'Extensions' tab from the web page content type. This tab, and it's content have been removed as the functionality is deprecated. If you find that you are unable to remove an iFrame or any text that is situated in this tab, please contact the helpdesk, and someone will be happy to help you.
  • Fix for making the magnifying glass clickable to initiate the search on the site wide search functionality.
  • Update for the RSS feed URL that is available on certain content types. This URL used to be very long, and was read by RSS readers incorrectly. This has been updated.
  • Fix for bug prventing some users from being able to create internal links in Firefox and Chrome.
  • Fix for missing placeholder images on team landing pages - icon was missing and has now been replaced.
  • Fix for bug preventing the creation of a downloads tile on profile pages in Friefox.
  • Fix publications searchbox on research groups edit form.

Haiku 4.10.1

Release date: 12 September 2016


  • Shading and Borders on Tiles and Portlets - phase 2


    We will add the option to select to shade a background on a per tile and per portlet basis. This will remain part of the theme of the site with appropriate colour. We would suggest that the default position should be that we apply the same colour as the quick facts box, and this can be changed if required.

Haiku 4.10.0

Release date: 5 September 2016


Bug fixes

  • Fix for list tile not respecting order of items set in edit interface.

Haiku 4.9.0

Release date: 31 August 2016


Bug fixes

  • Items in list tile unable to be ordered if over 9 within the tile - fix deployed.
  • Image captions not showing for research groups images after the upgrade to the media widget - fix deployed.

Haiku 4.8.0

Release date: 18 August 2016


  • Automatic FAQ Webpage


    The creation of a new content type behaviour for FAQs will enable you to display FAQs on a webpage broken down by the categories that you have assigned in the edit interface. So that you do not have to create a webpage and manually create appropriate headings for your FAQs

  • Shading and Borders on Tiles and Portlets - phase 1


    We will add the option to select to shade a background on a per tile and per portlet basis. This will remain part of the theme of the site with appropriate colour. We would suggest that the default position should be that we apply the same colour as the quick facts box, and this can be changed if required.

Bug fixes

  • 'Allow discussion' settings not showing in section root - this has been fixed.
  • Fix for hidden content not prompting for login in certain situations - no security breach encountered.
  • Fix for removing a user from all permission groups when deleting their user account - this was causing conflicts when recreating a user that had been deleted.
  • Fix for allowing 'Link' content type to be searchable when using the cover pages content chooser.
  • Allow navigation tile on cover pages implementation for research group content type - when cover page functionality was first implemented for research groups, we had not allowed the navigation tile (we had envisaged users using the list tile). We have now added the tile.
  • Fix for making new sections more manageable with the number of content types that are available - previously when you add a new section, it presents you with a list of all of the available content types to be added. It is now restricted to a select few, to make the implementation cleaner.

Haiku 4.7.0

Release date: 13 July 2016


Haiku 4.6.0

Release date: 6 July 2016


  • Multi column layout on research groups

    This functionality will provide added flexibility to the column layout on research group pages so that you can layout your content in more varied ways with a single or multi column layout.

Haiku 4.5.0

Release date: 12 June 2016


Bug fixes

  • Fix for edit modal on team listing tile - not opening properly.
  • Broken display when editing Carousel tile.
  • Fix image uploading on media widget when using Firefox.
  • Fix for RSS feeds not containing links for content.
  • Add spacing between lead image and H1 tag used in body text on all content types.
  • Fix justification on OxTalks profile tile, now in-line with the other formatting used on the profile pages.
  • Fix for error that was caused if a search was submitted with no parameters.
  • Improvement to the Symplectic sync notifications - the email that you receive to tell you that your site has been updated successfully, now shows you more information and diagnostics about the most recent sync.
  • Update to OxTalks tile - help text added.

Haiku 4.4.0

Release date: 13 May 2016


Bug fixes in this release:

  • Fix for global search - search could break if some special characters were being used. This is fixed.
  • Update to Symplectic feed to fix issues where not all profiles were being pulled correctly, meaning some missing publications.
  • Improve symplectic integration, and memory usage.
  • Make Oxford Talks links all open in new tabs.
  • Fix for Oxford Talks time stamp - previously 1 hour out of sync.

Haiku 4.3.0

Release date: 22 April 2016


  • Media and Image Widget


    The creation of our media widget will allow editors to more easily access and upload media and images. When selecting to upload a lead image on the site, you will be presented with the media widget pop up where you can browse the image library, or add to the image library. You will be able to add captions, alt text and copyright information. In addition there is a section in the widget where you can embed videos/soundcloud etc via an external URL. These items will be covered by 3 options within the widget (insert from library, upload new, insert from URL).

Bug fix:

  • Bug with some carousel displays not showing the copyright information, even if applied.

Releases archive